Case Study
Cigar Manufacturer
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Cigar Manufacturer
- LTL Optimization: We discovered that an LTL carrier was taking advantage of our client by charging them inflated rates. We conducted a formal bid process on their behalf which resulted in a 58% reduction in costs.
- Parcel Optimization: We recommended that our client change how it handled a certain aspect of its small parcel process that had been in place for years. The client implemented the internal change which resulted in a whopping 25.24% reduction of costs. These savings were achieved without performing a formal bid process, but by simply handling internal business in a more efficient manner.
- Parcel & LTL General Ledger Coding: We helped stop additional profits from leaking out of their supply chain by implementing these services.
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Author: Brad McBride
Brad McBride, CEO and Founder of Zero Down Supply Chain Solutions is a dynamic leader with over 30 years of experience in the supply chain sector. His journey began at Consolidated Freightways in 1988, where he mastered freight logistics and pricing. His career led him to Eagle Global Logistics, diving into international freight forwarding and leading high-volume shipping projects.
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