Carrier Contract Negotiations

Transform your supply chain with our Carrier Contract Negotiations, where advanced analytics meet personalized strategy to deliver substantial savings on carrier rates.

We bring efficiency and
accountability front and center.

Total Savings
+ $ 0 M
Cost Savings Potential
0 %
Parcel and Freight Carriers
+ 0
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Benefits of Carrier
Contract Negotiation

Carrier contract negotiation is critical for controlling your shipping costs and providing consistent, high-level service to your customers.
The benefits of carrier contract negotiation include:

The AAAAIM Process


We start by dissecting your current contracts and data to uncover cost-saving opportunities, crafting a baseline agreement that sets the foundation for your supply chain optimization.


Collaborate on a strategy that resonates with your business goals, establishing a clear roadmap and participant list for negotiations that reflect your company’s needs and aspirations.


Navigate the bid process with expert guidance, analyzing proposals and refining negotiations until the results align precisely with your vision for value and efficiency.


Empower your decision-making with comprehensive support as you select the best-fit carrier, ensuring a smooth transition and accurate implementation of your new strategic direction.


See your choices in action as we oversee the deployment of your carrier agreements, ensuring routing compliance and invoice accuracy that align with your operational and financial targets.


See your choices in action as we oversee the deployment of your carrier agreements, ensuring routing compliance and invoice accuracy that align with your operational and financial targets.

Why Should Zero Down
Negotiate My Contracts?

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Zero Implementation Cost

Our seamless integration process ensures you can start optimizing your carrier contracts and reducing expenses right away, at no initial cost to you.
A downward-facing arrow with shipping boxes

Lower Shipping Rates

Our team of experts meticulously analyzes your current contracts to identify opportunities for rate reductions. Through skilled negotiations, we work to secure more favorable terms for your business.

Continuous Support

Reliable support with our dedicated team ensuring smooth implementation, ongoing optimization, and proactive adjustments to market changes for sustained efficiency.

Case study

Case study title Why Should Zero Down Manage My Freight Audit and Payment?

Ocean freight is naturally complex, generally using multiple modes of transportation for a single shipment and incurring accessorial fees throughout transport.
Our solution organizes linked invoices to avoid duplicate charges, ensures shipments are being consolidated correctly, and increases visibility throughout the entire process.

Total Savings

overbilling reduced from

7.2% to 5.6%
$ 0 M+

Cost Savings Potential

raise from 2.5% to 3.2%
0 %

Parcel and Freight Carriers

lorem ipsum
0 +


What our

clients say


Simply request a demo to see our solution in action. Say goodbye to paperwork and hello to streamlined management with FreightOptics.
Carrier contract negotiation is the process of discussing and establishing terms that dictate how a shipper-carrier relationship operates. The agreement will contain pricing information, service expectations, dispute resolution processes, and other essential information to help avoid misunderstandings.
You must prepare for the negotiation table by analyzing your current contract, setting goals, collecting carrier performance data, and researching market benchmarks.
Carrier contracts include pricing, service level agreements (SLAs), liability clauses, guarantees, termination conditions, dispute resolution, and more.
Negotiating favorable carrier contract terms saves you money, increases service quality, minimizes risks, optimizes efficiency, and reduces the likelihood of disruptions or misunderstandings.
Zero Down can save you up to 35% on your shipping spend, along with improved service quality.
Not necessarily. We can work with your existing carrier in addition to engaging other carriers to present you with all your options and help you find the best terms.
You should consider renegotiating annually or when there’s a significant change in market conditions or your business needs.
At Zero Down, our extensive negotiation and market experience ensures you get the best rates and terms without any surprises. We also use data-driven strategies to identify cost-effective improvements and opportunities for refunds after implementing the new contract terms to save you even more on shipping.
To get started, request a free demo with one of our supply chain specialists to see how we can help you save.
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